b'3taBLeOFCOntentsFOrWard tO YOur Future PaYIngFOrCOLLege taBLeOFCOntents4Why College? 39 the Cost of attending College5applying to College in a Pandemic 40 Financial aid 10141 the Myths and realities of Financial aidPreParIngFOrCOLLege 42 types of Financial aid6 assemble Your College Prep team 44 the FaFsa7 assess Your Interests and strengths 46 Your Financial aid Package9 Be a successful student 49 tips to Close Your Financial aid gap10 get Organized 50 Find scholarships11 set Personal goals12 Create Your resum BeCOMIngaCOLLegestudent51 Make the right Fit decisionstartIngYOurCOLLegesearCH 52 summer Checklist14 the right Fit52 On-Campus support16 types of Colleges and universities 53 transition to College21 narrow Your College search22 Visit Colleges CHeCkLIsts55 Family Checklist aPPLYIngtOCOLLege 56 9th and 10th grade Checklist26 the Components of a College application 57 11th grade Checklist27 standardized tests: the sat and aCt 58 12th grade Checklist31 understand College admissions Options32 Finalize Your College List resOurCesandPartners33 Complete and submit Your applications 60 Local College Prep Programs34 schedule an Interview 61 Online resources 35 Write Your College essay 64 Our Partners in Your success'