b'Career Futures Summer Internship ProgramThis program is designed to connect our collegians to meaningful experiences and opportunities in professional work environments. We help collegians fine-tune their non-cognitive skills and learn industry-specific knowledge that potential employers expect to see when hiring new Justin Siegel college graduates. Philadelphia Futures partners with College Connection, Class of 2020 local employers to provide industry-relevant experience and clearly defined skills-development to students, along Science Leadership Academy, Class of 2020 with an on-site mentor. We match students with employersVillanova University, Class of 2024 to interview for paid internships that last a minimumof six weeks. In preparation for this experience,collegians attend workshops on resum and cover letter I had virtual calls with my development, interview strategies and best practices, Futures Advisor every week, and internship success training that covers corporate which helped me navigateculture, business attire, networking, communication through the challenges expectations, and other skills for success.I faced during the pandemic. Living on campus during the pandemic had manyCollegians Pay It Forward challenges, but I am very grateful for the resourcesI had to navigate through those challenges. In theVirtual platforms allowed our collegians to past, I was used to meeting with teachers and make more frequent and more meaningfulreceiving feedback in person on my work. I haveconnections with Philadelphia Futuresalways found that it is easier for me to succeed whenhigh school students throughout the year.I create meaningful relationships with my professorsWe provided various opportunities for high and teachers. Doing this online is very different.school students to hear directly from students During my first semester, adjusting to college life was currently attending college. Collegians: tough for me. I needed to make new friends, get good served on panels about the transitiongrades, and stay focused, while receiving an educationto collegethat was primarily virtual. I found myself stressed out more often. Keeping up with my mental health was assisted with the summer academica priority, but I definitely found myself struggling programming for high schoolersat different times throughout the fall semester. facilitated conversations about raceI adapted by utilizing many of the resources for student town halls and the Annualoffered to me at Villanova and through PhiladelphiaConference Futures. I had virtual calls with my Futures Advisor made virtual class visits to discuss various every week, which helped me navigate through theaspects of college life with high school challenges I faced during the pandemic. My Advisorstudentshad a lot of past experience dealing with the issuesI faced, and gave me very useful advice.page 10'